Employee Today


17 April 2021

Reiteration Of Guidelines Issued In View Of COVID-19: CGHS

Reiteration of guidelines issued in view of COVID-19: CGHS Order Z 15025/12/2020/D1R/CGHS dated 15.04.2021

Z 15025/12/2020/D1R/CGHS

Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Directorate General of CGHS

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the 15th April, 2021


Sub: Reiteration of guidelines issued in view of COVID-19 – regarding

In view of the Corona Virus Disease(COV1D-19) , all out efforts are made by the Government to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level.

2. In this regard the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the various Office Memoranda and circulars issued in this regard and to state that in view of the resurgence of COVID-19 cases it has been decided to reiterate the guidelines issued from time to time to the Additional Directors and Staff and for extending healthcare services to the beneficiaries for urgent and strict compliance and for necessary action.

3. Copies of the relevant orders are enclosed.

4. As far as sanction of leave to the CGHS Staff is concerned . the Additional Directors CGHS shall decide the matter on a case to case basis and as per the exigencies so that CGHS Staff members / CGHS beneficiaries are not put to inconvenience.

5. Copies of the circular along with enclosures may be circulated to the CGHS Wellness Centres for compliance.

6. Copies of relevant orders may be circulated to empanelled HCOs in your City.

Encl. as above

( Dr. Sanjay Jain )

Director, CGHS

Source - G Connect 

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